Saturday 5 September 2009

Tutoring and Netball

I have realised from working at both the primary and high schools that there is not a chance in hell of me ever becoming a teacher. Fair enough the teaching level here in Africa is going to be a lot more hard work than in England, but still, fair play to all the teachers out got it tough! I may have found my side job though...tutoring. One on one with a student is defiantly the way to go, no shouting, no writing on the board, no registration. EASY! By the end of this week I had taken the same two girls, tutoring maths everyday for the week. Not only could I see the improvement in their maths, I could see the improvement in their behaviour and the way they acted towards me. They were genuinely grateful for the help I had given them, and that made me feel rather spiffing. At the start of the week, neither Nambela or Ndema could do basic addition, and I'd like to think that now they can recite their timestables and get along well enough in class to understand things a lot better.

My primary school (ages 11-14) netball team are well on their way to becoming stars. They improved so much and I'm so proud of them all, I've got some fab photos of the team which I'll put up once I'm home.

Homework club was always my favourite part of the day...I was good friends with most of the older kids who mainly came to hang out with the volunteers. I was helping a girl Nikki with hers maths aswell and then she brought along her three younger sisters and I ended up staying much longer most days to talk to them all! They wrote me lovely letters when I left yesterday and it was very emotional! My rucksack is now suprisingly empty, I gave Nikki most of my clothes (the ones that were wearable!) as she was quite quiet compared to some of the other kids so I get the feeling she was never really noticed by the volunteers before. The same kids tend to be given stuff everytime a new volunteer arrives. The loud ones who get in your face and make you laugh. Nikki genuinely wanted to learn and that makes her 100% better and more special in my eyes.

Flying home this afternoon...getting picked up at 2.30 from town by Kevin who is taking me to the airport. Really sad to be leaving. Cape Town is most definatly one of the most beautiful and exciting places I have visited, and I can not wait to come back here in the future. Looking forward to getting home at the same time. Feels like I have been away forever...

Love you all
I've missed you

p.s. My rucksack is not that empty...I've just been shopping again...


Wednesday 2 September 2009

Last post continued...

I thought Manchester was a pretty decent night out, but Cape Town ruled. I wasn't expecting nice bars and a proper scene, I think my vision of a massive room filled with black people having dance-offs may have been a bit too ambitious. Although I did have a dance off with a massive black guy! And won! and then got cheered by the majority of the room who had circled us to watch! and then got grabbed by a girl who then told me I was her new dance partner! Woopwoop I've cracked Cape Town. Shake it and you've made it.

Sunday was the day the African Trails truck arrived into Cape Town, so I was really excited to hopefully see everyone from tour again! I wandered up to the lodge where they were staying and luckily enough they had only just pulled in and were unpacking all their stuff! Was so great to see everyone...even if it was only very briefly for some. (I'm so sorry I didn't make it back to have drinks with everyone...I was called back to Hout Bay!)

Ended up going on the boat trip to Robben Island with the Canadians Kate and Seana, the Welshies Jenna and Taz the Kiwis Donald and Kathyrn and the token Brits Andrew and Ian. It was such a gorgeous day, blazing sun and not a cloud in the sky. The tour was really interesting, but a bit too "toury". It would have been nicer to be able to wander around the island and the prison a bit more freely. But I learnt a lot and glad I went, was so great to spend time with everyone else aswell.

Sunday night the Canadians and I went for dinner on the waterfront. A bit out of place in our scruffy clothes we didn't care as the food was gorgeous! Defo put on the pounds I lost on tour!

Back to work at the high school this week...good fun!

Looking forward to coming home...

Love you all miss you!