Friday 10 July 2009

The day we fly!!!!!!!!!!

i have no idea what this blog is all about but im giving it a go....
we are going to fly to africa todday and its a right ball ache of a journey cus we are flying to dubai before africa with adds a few more hours and we have to get the train to manchester!!!

i think me and katie are shitting ourselves! we have no idea what it is gonna be like and i dont wanna get mugged! but anyways i think i will have a lot more to write when i am actually there, im gonna miss everyone so much and i hope you all have a wonderfuul summer

lots of love


  1. Finally sorted out how to post a comment!! got myself one of these google accounts.
    I thought I might last a bit longer than this before i start craving you back freddie but oh well im manning up! anyway thats enough of that sloppy stuff. Im glad to have a few texts off you but still not sure how much its costing each of us. I look forward to the next installment about what youve both bin upto.
    Im missin you both alot (fred slightly more obvs) love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

  2. Morning Freddie and Katie
    how exciting, you're in Africa! hope all's going well.We're following the itinery and picturing you there. Take care. looking forward to futher comments.
    Love and hugs Paula xx

  3. i'm so excited about this blog.

    i'm hoping it's just going to be another chapter of Katie's high school blog :)
    Don't disappoint me Katie!!

    Hope your both enjoying yourselves and getting lots of tannage. Katie have you met an American boy called Kit yet??

