Friday 10 July 2009


Okay so some of you will find it quite odd that Freds has managed to set this thing up and not me...Freddie, organised?! And blogs are notoriously my thing, so even more suprise there. We're hoping to have internet access every 3/4 days so keep checking for updates!

So yerrrr we leave this afternoon! Feeling pretty scared to be honest, only just hit me that two months is rather a long time! (omg two months without facebook...) Excited too but I think it won't really hit me that we're actually going until we get to the airport! Seeing as we actually only decided to go little over a month ago, I think most people are pretty shocked that we are still going to Africa...most of all, Freds and I.

I'm all packed up, my rucksack suprisingly heavy grrrr. So first its off to Nairobi, Kenya!!!! (via Manchester and Dubai...) See you all in September! Will miss everyone ridiciously, love you all lots and lots and lots



  1. Hi Katie and Freddie, Just a quick note to wish you both all the best with your adventure.
    Take great care and remember to contact home, whenever you can. Mum is sitting beside me having a cuppa!!!! Looking forward to hearing all the exciting news, LOVE and BIG HUGS, A Judy and U Paul XXXX

  2. very pleased you have arrived safely in Nairobi and very nice Smiley man picked you up to take you to your hostel. Am finding myself thinking what you are up to whilst I am here. Thinking 3 hours ahead all the time. Hope you have had a good explore around Nairobi and managed to catch up with your sleep!!
    Love you loads and loads , be safe. Mum(K) love to Freddie xxxxxxxxx
