Thursday 30 July 2009

freddies first and probably only blog...

hi guys just like to let you know that i have been sitting beside katie when she is writing these blogs but usually im not allowed to touch the keyboard!
also im sorry about the spelling mistakes and lack of grammar and punctuation!!!!

after the first night in Chitimba we decided to go on a huge trek up mount livingstonia and it actually turned out to be 35km not just 32...and it seemed a hell of a lot longer with the steep incline! we walked to the base of the mountain and i was quite positive at that moment. literally after the first ten minutes i thought i wasnt gonna be able to do it!! ha! but then it got a little bit easier and made it up in 3 1/2 hours. pretty good going really? dad i hope you are proud of me!

the view on the way up were absolutely amazing and you could see to the other side of the lake. on the way we got so hungry we were fantasizing about what food we were gonna have the moment we got back to england....ollie on the drive home i am so having a McDonalds! so when we got to the top you can imagine how heartbroken everone was...not only that there was no fast food restaurant but there was no where to eat at all, everything was closed!!!. we ended up waiting 2 1/2 hours for this local guy to cook us some rice and tomatoes. the experience was amazing thou and he had obviously got out his best gold, plastic plates. bless him. we paid him like 30p each and headed back down the mountain! it felt so amazing but as soon as we stopped my legs basically siezed up so we went for a swim/shower and crashed!

ooo forgot to say that on the way up we saw the most gorgous water falls ever....we were planning to swim in it but it turned out to be far cooler than we anticipated and wimped out.

the next day my knees were in agony but kates pranced about as usual. we then drove to kande beach stopping off at this wood market on the way... the things were beautiful! (mum would u like anything cus they have mahogany salad bowls/servers, boxes, games etc and i dont wanna buy you something you will. Also will you please answer my emails i have sent like 5)

kande beach is exactly the same as the one in chitimba but theres just a bit more going on. yesterday me and katie....or katie and i spent the morning in a sleeping bag in a was freezing but so nice! i felt like i was a baby in the womb again!! in the afternoon we hired a pedalow with the Canadian girls , kate and shaana that are on our tour (my favs), and went to these rocks that were about 400m away. katie pulled put out the orienteering skills and led us to these 6 foot high rocks that we decided to jump off. Loved it!

today i did an introductory dive course.... only went for a little bit but i have the bug for it now. katie on the other hand, for some strange reason...

(just to let you know there was a power cut at this moment and i am now in a totally different part of malawi finishing it off)

.... decided to go on a horse back ride in a forest and down the beach!! when she came back it was like the set of a old western movie! katie can even pose on the back of a horse!!! she was holding the reigns with one hand looking veryy made me laugh thou.

we celebrated our last night in kande beach and today we drove down to lilongwe.

Hope everyone is ok
lots and lots of love
missing you all
FREDS and kates

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