Thursday 6 August 2009

In Transit and now Zambia!

Katie's back. Wow, internet in Livingstone, zambia is not the greatest so I'm hoping that this manages to make it through to you all!

When we left Llongwe, we also left Ellie. Second year medical student at Notts uni...we're already missing you lovely! Emotional goodbye as the truck set off to enter Zambia and leave Malawi behind. Our main destination is where I'm writing this from in Livingstone but we had a few transit stops along the way... our first was a couple of nights in Croc Valley campsite in South Luagana national park. My favourite campsite that we've been in. Slap bang in the middle of the park our main companions in the site were hippos, elephants and crocs. Based with a gorgeous view on the river we could see crocs and hippos lazing around on the banks and occasionaly moving in the mud. hippos are rather boring creatures I've come to realise! Elephants and giraffes grazed on the other side and seemed oblivious to our presence. The majority of the group went off for either a morning or night game drive but Freds and I decided to stay back to save it turns out the drives proved dissapointing compared to the Serengeti.

Our next night was a bush camp! No campsite, just off roading in the middle of nowhere! The middle of nowhere though turned out to be in the middle of somewhere for the Zambians as a group of youngsters seemed to turn up as soon as we got our tents out and sit round the fire with us all evening. Freds and I volunteered to be on truck watch and ditched our tent for the comfort of the truck roof! very exciting to sleep with the moon in view. Rather chilly so was very grateful for my sleeping bag. (which has a distinctive odour about it now...)

We had another night at some campsite two nights ago but all I can remember of it now is some very cute dogs that Seana named Beans and Toast, and Fish and Chips. A lot of conversations nowadays are about food. hmmmm food.

So last night we stayed our first of four nights at the Grotto Camp in Livingstone. About 20 mins drive from Victoria Falls. Camp is really nice, very busy as there were three other trucks staying there last night. (also lovely to be woken up at 6.30 by them packing up) We arrived and were shown a video of all the adreliline and animal things we can do over our stay here. Bungys, gorge swings, helicopter rides, rafting...exciting!!!!!!!

I booked in for a bungy jump which I've just done! Actually the most terrifying thing in the world. Looking over the drop and thinking i'm just about to plumet 110m down there I thought my pants weren't going to make it! Luckily they did and it was amazing!!! I bought a video and the photos i'll try to put up shortly! The bung was off a bridge just next to Vic Falls, so me and Seana (who was also jumping) and the rest of the gang who had come along to support us walked over to the Falls.

BEAUTIFUL. We got pretty soaked but they are just about the most fantastic natural things I've ever seen. It's a gorgeous day today as well which is just as well, we dried off pretty quickly in the sun. (tan is peeling...booooo)

Tomorrow we are off on a complusory booze cruise set by our driver Karl in the afternoon so we're gonna spend the morning exploring Livingstone which seems quaint with some lovely little markets and shops. I might trade in all my clothes for new ones =) Saturday is white water rafting day which i am SO SO excited about! The Zambezi river is acclaimed to be the best place in the world to raft down...woop!

Hope everyone is having fun at home/abroad whereever you may be! And that the weather is as nice as here!

Love you all, miss you tons and tons
Freddie and Kates

1 comment:

  1. Been thinking about your white water rafting day today. Got very nostalgic and looked at the photos of us rafting in the Pyreenes!!
    Keep safe and love you oooodles.
    Mum xxxxxxxx
