Sunday 16 August 2009

Livingstone, Zambia - Thebe campsite, Botswana

freddie here again, wooooooo!
the next day was spent still in Livingstone. we didnt have amything planned till the evening so we did things like washing in the morning, how exciting? however i had brought some washing powder and for africa our clothes were amazing and actually smelt nice we wondered into town to look at the markets. i traded a pair of shorts and an elastic band for a souvenier. the sellers wanted the strangest things! Katie and i were having heart palpatations by the end of it because ever stall hastles you and tells you their life story. I manages to give one guy some stall layout advice for which he seemed very grateful. After that we went back to the campsite, swam in the coldest and dirtiest pool you can imagine and got ready for the sunset booze cruize. the boys dressed up as girls ( i now own a stretched dress) and i dressed up as a boy, well i wore one of their afican tops as a dress! on the other hand katie and canadian katie dressed up as what can only be describrd as a chav! it was a all matching tracksuit, meant for a little child!FIT! but it was absolutely hilarious when we arrived. Too say the form of transport, that was taking us down the river, was a raft was a slight overstatement! it was like planks of wood attached to steel barrels with another layer on top. So all the drinks on this trip were included. can you imagine the state we were in? i cant either because i dont really remember much. we met these people who were on world challenge and they had met up with dixie!!!! and knew richard simpson! ha! we stumbled off the raft and there was a bonfire which we got to dance around and bang some drums. i would like to add that i was amazing! then we had a dance in the bar and this local girl was grinding on me, lovely experience. i would love to tell you what kate was doing at this point but i dont have much recollection of her throughout the night. then it was time to go home and me and kates were in bed by 10.30!

the next morning it was some bright sparks idea to go white water rafting. everyone felt a little worse for wear! first we had to climb down a gorge. we were told flip flops were fine but it was like climbing down the side of a bloody mountain.
our raft group consisted of kate and rob, andrew, canadian kate and shana, katie and i. we told our guide that we wanted to be an extreme group but when one of our team couldnt grasp paddling forward and backward, i think he made it as easy as possible. (that wasnt me by the way!) The first rapid was the best but after that it was quite tame. we all agreed ot would have been better to be way more hardcore but nevertheless we loved it! we were aloud to jump out of some of the rapids. katie got stuck in a whirlpool and i shot down so fast that i had to get in someone elses raft for a few minutes. when we got to the end we had an amazing lunch and the driveback consisted of chanting and drinking. that night everyone was in bed by 9 O'clock.

the next day was our drive to botswana. my bum was in agony, which was odd when everyone elses arms and legs ached! so sitting on a bumpy truck was not my fav activity for the day. it was our shortest journey yet. when we arrived at the campsite we watched the rafting DVD. one girl, ellie, had fallen out of the raft and when she was pulled back in her bottoms had come down. she was praying that this wasnt on the DVD. not only was it on there, but it was on the highlights at the end in slow motion 5 times!

the next day was a very long journey 8-6.

missing you all loads. but its not long till you will see my tanned face again

lots of love

freddie and katie

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