Monday 31 August 2009

Raving and Robben Island

Not simultaneously...

Thursday night meal was a huge sucess with a gorgeous meal. Was sad to leave half the group on friday, it's been good to have a large group of us to help at the schools.
Friday day I moved up to the high school where my wonderful maths knowledge was put to the test :P My task for the next week (aswell as teaching netball after school and during p.e. lessons is to tutor the grade 9 kids who struggle the most with their maths. My first student, a 16year old called Nmbela showed me her book and she had just been learning about compound interest. easy peasy I thought. I asked her if she understood and she said no...i then discovered that not only did she not understand interest or anything else she had "learnt" that year, she could hardly recite her 2x table. For the lot of the kids in this school, the teachers don't care what the bad children can do, they only focus on the clever ones and this is already frustrating me no end. I am going to take the same children everyday for an hour each and hopefully start to hammer the basics through. By friday they'll all be reciting Pi into double figures...

Friday night and saturday night we spent in a hostel in Cape Town. Friday we completed centurian. 1 shot of cider every minute for 100 mintues. I have never been so sick in my entire life. Saturday we spent a very hungover day wandering around the waterfront and then preparing to go out into Cape Town in the evening.

To be continued....!!! (homework club is calling!)

Miss you all love you

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