Thursday 27 August 2009

Hout Bay Township.

For those sitting at home, it must be pretty hard to comprehend the state that some of these 14,000 (probably more) people live in. An area of probably less than a square mile in crappy steel roofed shacks that I wouldn't want my guinea pigs living in. The strange thing that I am still struggling to understand is why they don't want to leave. The majority of houses have televisions and stereos, so it isn't as if they have no money whatsoever. A girl Nikki, who I have been helping with her maths told me...It's because black people in the township do not know how to budget. White people save their money, so that's what I am going to do as well. It baffles me how a 12 year old can grasp this concept, yet not the adults who also live in the community.

Work at the primary school has been frustrating. Compared to the high school, the Orangjekloof primary is run pretty well, more than enough teachers and good teaching equipment. I have been helping in a grade 6 class, where my main task is to help the students who have difficulty in understanding English. Afrikaans and Kausa is also taught, and a lot of the children listen along in lessons and copying things off the board without a foggy what's actually being said.

After school I have taken it upon myself to coach the netball teams. A lot of the girls are so keen but their P.e. teacher recently left the school so they have no one to teach them. Mostly under 13, some are really good but just a bit rusty round the edges! Even after four days coaching them for an hour after school I can already see an improvement! We were supposed to have a match today but the organisation of teachers is pretty dyre so it didn't happen :(

After school is Kevin's main project. Homework Club. A community centre in the centre of the township is the base for children who want to learn more or practice after class. There are some who are really keen and beg for you to give them sums to can get a bit tedious, but I'm bonding well with some of the kids. 15 year old Shazza is quite possibly the nicest politest 15 year old i've ever met! She has no self confidence at all though and thinks she's rubbish at everything. I've been helping her with her reading (Harry Potter!) and with her school assignments. She is particularly keen on history and loves telling me about Nelson Mandela and black freedom. In return I'm helping her with a project on Hitler!

Homework club starts in half an hour so I best be off! 6 of the 11 volunteers currently here are leaving tomorrow so we are going out for a meal to say bye! Italian I think...yummmm. Food has been a particular problem as my host mother is not the most generous of people. The rest of the family are wonderful though, two older sisters and a younger brother. Them and their father are hilarious but Gertrude has proven to be the topic of many arguments. I have had to buy my lunch most days which is quite frustrating as I have already paid for three meals a day...

Miss you all, love you
Home in a week!

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