Sunday 26 July 2009

Rest of Zanzibar and Tanzania

Katie writing here...Internet been bit tricky to find over the past few days so only just got a chance to post! Gonna be quick as its a dollar per in Malawi and things are tending to be a tad more expensive over here!

Our next day on Zanzibar was spent doing pretty much absolutely nothing...sunbathing and getting washed away by the sea. A few of our group were spending their final nights with us so we had a lovely night saying goodbye to them.

The next day we travelled back to Dar via ferry again...crappy wavey sea which caused a few sea sick casualties.

The past two days have been spent travelling down through Tanzania and today we entered our fourth country...Malawi. First thoughts are that its a lot greener than anywhere else. Malawi is the poorest country in Africa, but so far the most gorgeous. We are staying at a hostel/campsite right in the mountains and on the shores of Lake Malawi. Freds, Ellie, Alex, Dan and I partook in a bit of wavediving and swimming in the lake. Although it feels a lot more like an ocean. Its massive. No salt, just pure fresh water. Beautiful. We watched the sun go down whilst diving in and out of waves. Cold at first but worth it a million times more. We could swim in that lake forever it was so refreshing. As the showers in the campsite come straight from the lake, it was also our shower!

Freds and I are going on a 9/10 hour hike tomorrow up Mount Livingstonia. 16km there and 16km back. Excited to finally be able to use our walking boots. Staying in our campsite again tomorrow then its off to Kande Beach for some party time. Woop woop! Apparently...(mothers close your ears) the speciality of the beach resort are special brownies...again, woop woop!!

Miss you all
Love you lots and lots
Freddie and Kates

p.s Freddie is gonna write next time. get excited!!!!


  1. Mmmmm not sure that brownie's are the biscuit/cake that you love to eat in England, think I might be a bit naive here!!
    The Malawi lake sounds so gorgeous, perhaps a bit warmer than the Scottish Loch's!!
    Pleased to hear my boots are getting an outing, nice to think they are climbing an African mountain. I will await with eager anticipation for Fred's next blog. You know you have loads of follower's to the blog, so keep them coming!!! love you so very much and missing you hugely. Mum xxx ps keep safe xxxx

  2. I just got back from amsterdam Katie! can't wait to tell you all about it. excited to use walking boots?? you're a fool! xx
