Thursday 16 July 2009

Nairobi - Arusha

Hello everyone! This is the first opportunity we have had access to the internet, but hopefully we will have more chances more often!

We arrived in Nairobi very tired, having stopped over for a few hours in Dubai (nicest airport EVER!) with neither of us managing to get much sleep. Visas were all fine but had to wait an absolute age to get our bags, Freds was getting very stressed out thinking they had been lost... Our transfer car was waiting for us in arrivals, a brilliant Kenyan man named Smiley. He was the most eccentric funny man, laughing constantly at anything that we said. Traffic was pretty hectic driving to Karen, our first campsite, about an hours drive away. Smiley decided to take a detour to avoid the highway and we drove along the bumpy sidetracks causing hilarity again from Smiley as he watched Fred and I bouncing around in the back. We drove passed Nairobi National park giving us our first glimpse of wildlilfe, Zebra. nice.

Karen Camp was lovely, we spent two nights there in a dorm with a girl who is now on our tour, Ellie from Norfolk. She's lovely! Another guy was there called Mark who had biycled from London to Kenya, madman. We spent the day with him listening to his stories and swapping tales. The rest of the African Trails group were already camping at Karen when we arrived, didn't really get much chance to chat to them as they were already on the booze...I feel this trip might involve a lot of drinking!! (ahhhh shame... :P)

Early monday morning we set off from Karen in our truck to make the 7/8 hour drive to Arusha. We had two trucks as there was not enough people to take us all in one. We were told there would be the daddy of all trucks waiting for us in Arusha which could hold about 30, which was good as our trip size is about 25!! Most of the people on the tour our mid-20s. All really nice...some spoken to more than others. A couple of Canadian girls who are our age so that's been good. Most people have come in couples and are from England, but there is an Irish couple and a few girls who have come on their own. A VERY annoying 20year old lad aswell who does nothing but moan. Very gay sounding but keeps talking about ex-girlfriends so I think he's a bit confused...

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