Sunday 19 July 2009


We have had two days and nights pretty much living on our truck. Which is MASSIVE. But not entirely comfortable for 6/7 hour journeys. Freddie has even managed to squeeze out a wee in the bush when she got too desperate.

We travelled from Arusha to Kwonge (maybe??!) which was half way to Dar, no one really fancied going the whole 13 hour journey in one stop. Pretty average campsite. lovely dribbling cold showers. Then set off yesterday morning to Dar Es Salaam. On first sight a very dirty messy city. Hustle and Bustle everywhere, absolute mayhem on the roads. But when you leave the centre you hit the jungle. Gorgeous scenery overlooking the sea and beaches. Our campsite was heaven. Outdoor showers and a swimming pool. An actual pool. BEAUTIFUL. The campsite had it's own private beach which we jumped straight in off the truck. Mind you...we were warned from the back of the toilet door that "Camp = safe, Outside Camp = Not safe" so no one dared leave the beach for the rest of the evening. We played volleyball (which Katie now has ridiculous bruises all over her wrists - hardcore) and swam in the felt more like the Carribean paradise than Africa.

We left Dar this morning around 9ish to get a couple of ferries over to Zanzibar. We were soon warned of the dangers of carrying our backpacks when Jenna's shoes were cut off by the laces from her bag. Luckily she realised but everyone was a lot more vigilant after that. Now in Stonetown, Zanzibar which was once probably a lovely little town which gorgeous buildings, but tourists and dirt have made this elegant place seem quite messy. We are now off to a reccomended cocktail bar, overlooking the sea and a night sea-market to sip margeritas and munch on chocolate pizzas (the speciality apparently!) oh the life of a traveller...

Love you all, missing you lots and lots

Freddie and Kates

1 comment:

  1. omg, her shoes were stolen!!? that's mental, i hope you're both looking after yourselves and your belongings. make sure katie doesn't get her spanx stolen, she loves those things xx
